Hello, who’s there?

Living alone abroad teaches you a lot of things indeed. You start knowing how to clean properly, how to cook for yourself and others, how to handle your finances, how to organize your time. However, most importantly, you learn a lot about yourself. You start knowing what you really like and dislike. You realize that a lot of things aren’t what you thought they were.

I always thought I liked winter more than summer until I had 6 months of winter here.

I’m liking Arabic literature more than foreign ones.

I didn’t give much importance to family until I realized that it’s what you’ll always have.

I thought that I’m very emotionally attached to realize that I’m actually very detached and it’s so easy for me to quit anything or leave anyone and start over. I don’t look back, I don’t feel sorry too much anymore.

Here, I started to prioritize my happiness and comfort, not out of selfishness, but out of realizing that my peace of mind is important. I now say no more. I don’t go along with things I don’t like, I try not to get too involved with people who add no value to my life, and I don’t accept any form of disrespect or degrading even as a joke.

I realized that I don’t care what other people think for real. Before, I used to say that but know deep inside that I do care. I used to worry what others would think about everything, what I like and dislike, what I wear. This doesn’t mean that I’ll hurt anyone at any point, what it means is that no one will be able to hurt me.\Now, I just don’t care. I don’t even bother to explain my point of view on any matter. I don’t care about being misunderstood. I don’t expect much from anyone. To be honest, I don’t expect good things. You know that internet phrase ‘disappointed but not surprised’, well Amen. Ironically, the moment I stopped worrying about how people saw me I actually lost the weight I’ve been trying to get rid of since grade 7.

Maybe it’s a phase, maybe it’s a result of previous phases and experiences. But what I can confidently say is that I feel way better than before. I am less anxious, less annoyed, less stressed. I’m changing, becoming more serious and resilient to bullshit.

What I am feeling recently is an urge to focus on things instead of people. I want to focus on my education, my career, my goals, my knowledge, and both my physical and mental health. There’s a lot to know, and a lot to do. If there are some good people around then great, if there aren’t many then not bad I still have 2-3 good friends, a tired yet loving family, and myself.


No Strings Attached

I left last time with a strong feeling that I should be back here. This time, I feel that maybe I don’t ever have to.

It is a place where good things rarely happened and terribly ended. Hundreds of failures, endless tries. Thousands of chances given, none gotten.

It was the first time that I had ever felt that weak, tired, and broken.

But it’s all good, it’s all good. I needed to realize that while giving people and things all I had, I ended up forgetting an important person. And that person is me.

I am apologizing to myself for not appreciating it enough, for not making it happy, and for believing that my self worth is determined by how some people that I loved feel or felt about me. I deserve to feel pride again, and to be comfortable being with myself alone.

I want to find safety in thinking alone not while sleeping in someone’s arms, self worth when I look at my mirror, and strength in my will power because I’ve been through fucking hell throughout the years.

I never had the chance to be a child. I don’t want to blame anyone. There might be something that my parents could have done or maybe nothing at all, but I don’t care. I matured quickly. I felt things intensely. I felt happiness like I’m high and sadness more than my heart could take. I felt like giving up hundreds of times, tried twice, and never succeeded.

I am still here.

Now, looking back I think that it’s good that I didn’t stop it all. I mean, it’s 5:50 AM. I am at the airport alone traveling to the country of my dreams to finish my education and be who I always dreamt of being. All alone, but not feeling slightly lonely.

Last time I was here in the same seat I was still involved with a person whom I loved dearly for some years, my friends had just said their good bye, my parents cried, and everyone showered me with wishes and prayers. Yet, I sat here feeling lonely as hell.

I still care about him him despite how things ended, I love my family and friends, but I don’t feel bad this time.

This time I leave with no strings attached, but to one: making myself happy everywhere I be.


6 Series to Binge-Watch عالماشي

Netflix, Popcorn time and other legal (and illegal) streaming sites are drowning in old and new series for you to watch, but how many are actually worth failing your exam for?

I’ll suggest 6 series of different genres that are personally my favorites. These are the shows you must start binge-watching tonight – or simply watch in your free time (if you’re one of those people who prioritize their education and social life).



Francis Underwood portrayed by Kevin Spacey is a ruthless politician who is not to be messed with. He doesn’t work for the US government, Frank and his environmental activist wife Claire Underwood  ARE the US government.

This political drama might have a slow-paced beginning, but it will start giving you goosebumps in no time!


#5 – F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Just like the devil is the father of all liars, Friends is the father of all series.
It’s a delightful comedy with a small pint of drama that shall be your first seriegasmic experience.

P.S: you’ll finally get all these friends references on Twitter, and be one of the cool kids again.

Similar shows: Seinfeld, The Office, How I Met Your Mother.



Are you ready to get your medical degree and finally make your old man proud of you? Well, House MD doesn’t exactly guarantee that, but at least you’ll know what to do in case someone has a stroke (take them to a near hospital of course).

Doctor Gregory House portrayed by Hugh Laurie specializes in diagnostic medicine and solves medical mysteries with sarcasm and outstanding intelligence.

Similar shows: Grey’s Anatomy.


#3 – MR. ROBOT

We are in the era of technology, hacking is modern theft and revolutions come in forms of tweets and hashtags. Mr Robot is the show that will blow your mind, for real. Expect nothing from this show but surprises. At some point you’ll think you have figured what’s going to happen next, and this is when you’ll be proven wrong. Elliot is a young hacker who wants to change the world. I won’t say more.



AKA Civil Wars & Boobs. A medieval fantasy starring several powerful noble families in Westeros. Don’t you want to know what your friends mean by saying “Winter is coming”?



I am a Sherlock fan girl. If you love the Sherlock Holmes movies or even if you don’t, you’ll fall in love with Sherlock.

Benedict Cumberbatch beautifully plays the highly functioning sociopath consulting detective Sherlock Holmes who lives in London and specifically in 221B Baker Street in a rented apartment with his roommate/assistant and best friend Doctor John Watson (portrayed by Martin Freeman). The series is a modernized version of the Sherlock Homes books written By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. This show will get all your senses in check and your brain working on all fours. The least I can say about this show is that it’s definitely a delight to watch. With Sherlock’s dark humor and John’s attempts to get Sherlock be more in touch with his human side, this show will captivate you.

Ps: Your patience will be tested, for it takes the producers over a year to release a new season.



How would you feel if  you knew the devil had left his work in hell and came to earth to have a normal life?
This American fantasy police procedural comedy-drama is as captivating as the devil himself: great plot, great performance, delightful sense of humor, and topless scenes of Tom Ellis. Yup, now is the time.

(Season one first aired on the 25th of January 2016, now catch the new episodes of season 2 every Monday)

Don’t forget to leave a comment below with you favorite show!

An Awkward Plot Twist in Miss Universe 2015 Beauty Pageant

Steve Harvey’s EPIC fail at the Miss Universe 2015 beauty pageant breaks the internet!


Miss Columbia’s dream came true as she was crowned to be Miss Universe 2015, unluckily she woke up minutes later to find out that there has been a mistake!

It was truly one of the most awkward moments in the history of live broadcasting. Ariadna Gutierrez Arevalo, Miss Columbia, was shocked especially after spending some time waving to the audience wearing her crown and holding the flower bouquet in her hands as Miss Universe.

Moments later, Harvey realized and announced the huge mistake that he did, so Miss Philippine Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach started walking awkwardly to the stage where she stood next to Miss Columbia for a very awkward 2-3 minutes just looking around with funny and confused face expressions.


Steve Harvey tried to break the ice by saying: “Please don’t hold it against the ladies. Please don’t, I feel so badly but it’s still a great night”


After that, former Miss Universe 2014 transferred the crown from Arevalo to Wurtzbach.

The world thinks that the result is fair especially after hearing Miss Philippine’s distinguished answers to the questions asked by the judges, not to forget the fact that she is magically gorgeous.

The cutest thing is that Pia joined the Ms. Philippines pageant for three consecutive years before winning, just now her dream came true!

Well – as we know – the internet is cruel, but hilarious.

Here are some of the funniest reactions to the mistake:



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tweet 2CWvM4y7UYAAkcoE

Congratulations to beautiful new Miss Universe Pia!


To watch the full video, click below:

Steve Harvey announcing wrong winner at Miss Universe 2015 pageant

ابعدوا عني

أبعدوا عني أديانكم فديني على حقأبعدوا عني أديانكم فديني هو الحب

أبعدوا عني أديانكم فربي غير ربكم

أبعدوا عني ديناً يحارب السلام لغير سلام

أبعدوا عني أدياناُ تحارب الانسانية و تقتل الانسان

أبعدوا عني صلواتكم و مآذنكم و أجراسكم و معابدكم

أبعدوا عني كذبكم و نفاقكم و حقارتكم

أبعدوا عني معداتكم مقابر الحيوانات

أبعدوا عني كلماتكم و خطابات الترهات

أبعدوا عني طائفيتكم و تفرقتكم و باقي التقسيمات

أبعدوا عني أدياناً تبعد قلوباً يملؤها الحب و الأحلام

أبعدوا عني منطقكم و مناطقكم و قراكم و حدودكم

أبعدوا عني عوائقكم و الاعتراضات

أبعدوا عني أديانا تعطي الحكم للشنبات

أبعدوا عني أزمانا تلغي المرأة و تحقر حقوق الانسان

أبعدوا عني أديانا تحرم الحب و تحلل الحرب ترجم القبل و تبرر الضرب

أبعدوا عني عادات بالية و محرمات غير محرمة

أبعدوا عني المؤامرات و فوضاكم المنظمة

أبعدوا عني كؤؤس النفط و زجاجات الغاز

أبعدوا عني مجتمعا يضعف دور الأستاذ

أبعدوا عني صبحياتكم و فناجين قهوتكم ونشرات الأخبار

أبعدوا عني الأحاديث المنقولة التي تبدؤون بها النهار

أبعدوا عني الخوف من التغيير

أبعدوا عني الخوف من التعبير من التحرير من الحب من الوجود من الضعف من أن تكون ما تريد

أبعدوا عني حياة لا يقبل بها الا العبيد

أبعدوا عني رفضكم و محاسبتكم و مراقبتكم و تعقيداتكم

أبعدوا عني كل أنماط حياتكم

ديني الحب, ديني السلام, ديني العفو, ديني الانسان

Give them back their castles

This is not one of my very long posts, it’s actually a very brief one.
I was sitting earlier next to my 6 year-old cousin reading a book; she was on her iPad. I looked around her room, nothing shows that this room belongs to a child.
Where’s the Lego box? Where are the Barbie dolls and their cute little dresses? Where are the crayons and the crappy drawings? Where is the wooden horse? Where are the teddy bears and the babies? Where is the tea party set? Where is the wooden board and the chalks? Where is the Red Riding Hood book?

What I saw was a group of electric wires and plugs, a laptop on the desk, a set of DVDs where the stories and books should be instead, chargers and  cables. The room looks tidier that what a 6 year-old’s room should be, but lifeless.

This isn’t a room that I’d imagine as a pirate ship or a castle. It isn’t a room that inspires me to use the hanger as Captain Hook’s hand! This isn’t a bed that I’d see through my little eyes as a carriage which my teddy bears can drive. I can’t see the curtains as rainbows nor my blanket as cloaks.

Right then, I felt lucky.

I felt lucky for having a childhood.


My blog owes its existence to Barbie, believe it or not, but this is the truth.
I remember spending weekends and summers pretending earrings were engagement rings for my barbies and my socks as dresses. We used to make up stories and go on adventures and safaris. I spent nights in Africa, I danced under the moon light and ate a fruit salad prepared by a monkey. I met the prince in the UK, ate croissant in Paris and met my soulmate in Italy. I had the perfect honeymoon in Australia and the best Kuskusi in Morocco. I bought beautiful dresses from India and learned how to dance there. I went to all these places that were to me as far as my doorstep. Not only that, but I built a castle beside a lake, and designed a beautiful kingdom. All it took was Lego.
Barbie is the reason behind my stories, and the A’s on my essays.

not this barbieNot this Barbie..

Bottom line, we are stealing our kids childhoods, we are taking away from them their right to think and imagine. We are invading their castles and robbing their kingdoms and taking their princesses as hostages.

Sure, iPads have some applications that are very beneficial for children, but does your kid recognize the smell of soil after rain?


She was a piece of art, indeed. Never in my life have I met anyone like her. She had this beauty of her own and that sense of humor. I recall falling in love with her every single time I kissed her. She used to get jealous; god I loved making her jealous. Her eyes would grow wider, her cheeks like cherry and her voice shivers; the cutest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Funny incident I recall. She once showed me a picture of her and her friend on her left, I teased her “who’s that gorgeous lady on the right?”. She almost cried. I knew that she always messed up directions, at least after that time we got lost in London when she told me to go left when she meant right. I laughed and laughed and hugged her so tight I felt her bones stinging me, but sadly, not tight enough to feel her pain. She was a fresh looking young lady, always smelling like Jasmine. I used to sense that she was coming from miles. Every evening reminds me of her. When I sit on my swing I can see her sitting right next to me telling me some jokes that she had heard at work earlier, and how sunset excited her. We spent tens of nights on the beach. We traveled frequently chasing full moons around the globe. She liked sleeping in my arms with her ear on my chest listening to my heartbeats with the excitement of a kid feeling rain for the first time. God, she made me call her name so many times for her to answer, “I love hearing you call my name”, little did she know that I loved calling her name. I loved the fact that she was mine and that I have her for me. That’s why the last time I saw her, the night she didn’t sleep talk, the night she stopped talking for good, I was too scared to call her name. I was afraid of the fact that she might not answer me this time no matter how many times I call her, afraid that she is not mine anymore and I don’t have her for me. I wish I stayed up with her the nights she asked me to. I wish I played chess with her more often. I was a sore loser and she always won, but she always gave me a rematch. This time, I’ve lost for good because fate doesn’t give rematches.

What’s going on in AUB’s bathrooms?

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a girl’s head?
Don’t you wonder how can girls know everything about you between 2nd and 3rd period?
Why do they go to the bathroom in groups?
What’s in the bathroom?

Well, today while I was studying at Jafet (AUB’s library), like any other day, nature called and I had to answer. I went down to the girls’ bathrooms and chose a random toilet which happened to be the one in the middle. I looked around and saw what I usually see, words written in markers, pens, pencils, some are decorated, others are not. You can find there literally every single topic that crosses your mind, actually believe it or not but every toilet has a special different theme.

Let me list first the most interactive topics and issues discussed:

1- Weight and How someone should feel about his/her body
2- Homosexuality and other sexual orientations
3- Lebanon and the Arab world, with world peace as a cherry on top
4- sex before marriage and related experiences
5- BOYS and RELATIONSHIPS You’ll be shocked if you read the things written, the experiences shared and the confessions made. And you’ll even be more shocked if you see the replies written, it can range from slut to Preach. But you’ll also be very surprised to read some really well-written poems and thoughts. You’ll also find names of boys and ‘feedback’ about them. Yow, Firas M., what have you done to the girls, why do they hate you so much?  Let me make one thing clear at first, I am not invading anyone’s privacy by saying what I’m saying or bringing out what’s behind the closed door of the disgusting smelling bathroom. You can find photos all over twitter and instagram shared by AUB students making fun of what’s written on the walls. Plus, these posts are anonymous and for God’s sake if you think that sharing this here is wrong but writing it on public properties is okay and private, you have issues. Well, no doubt. I am not going to lie, reading such things entertained me at first, especially that my phone was draining out of battery and I couldn’t use it (BTW how did people manage to go to the bathroom before phones were invented, life was tough!), but today I felt something different. I actually thought about it, about the whole thing, what makes people write such personal and intimate things about themselves on bathroom walls, in such a very public place, asking for advice or just telling what happened between them and their partner/roommate the other night, I mean, who cares enough to feel for you and offer you a good piece of advice. All I see there are people trying to be funny by writing sarcastic comments, plus they work really hard to feel good about themselves by making fun of people’s emotions and bringing them down. And every time I go to the bathroom I still see new comments and new thoughts and some counter-counter replies; it’s like some girls actually come back after a while to see what people think about the things that they have shared.   I have this urge to ask: WHY DO YOU BRING A PEN OR A PENCIL OR WHATSOEVER TO A FREAKIN’ BATHROOM?

Anyway, I read a lot of things in several toilets, some posts are funny (like checking in that table whether you peed or took a shit or both), and creative but most of them are actually.. sad. I am not in a place to judge, but this is odd, like reaaaally odd. What I also found out is that even boys write on bathroom walls, but topics vary a bit, although homosexuality is a common topic. So what I did is that I wandered around in Jafet asking girls what they think about this issue, like the reasons why people write such things down, what they think about these posts, what they think about the people writing things there. Then guys showed interest in the topic and shared their opinions as well. Here are some of the opinions on the matter that I would like to share with you: (with approval)

– D.H. and J.M. (F): There are some pretty cool things and some really lame stuff. But In general it’s entertaining to look at while peeing. It makes me laugh when I’m reading what people write and to think that they’re peeing while writing these things. There are some personal things that should not be on there but also other creative things. – (F): They’re honest, real and sometimes a little rude. It’s amazing what people have to say when they know there’s no one to judge them for it.

-(M): You can find all types of things there, for example, in one of the bathrooms someone wrote: ‘Please be creative’, there are also ‘عشانك يا سلوى quotes’, pick up lines, ‘size doesn’t matter’, drawings of organs & naked women, Illuminati, Jokes, criticism. But basically “maskhara”. Maybe those people have no one to talk to. – Ali: I see gay confessions, no offense. They are not forced or anything, they choose to write such things to feel relieved or better. “Byiktbo men albon”. You can also find phone numbers of guys and girls, I tried calling one of the numbers once to warn them but unfortunately no one picked up. But why write on bathroom walls? I see more politics on these walls than outside on the streets and among people. It’s stupid. If you you are lonely and can’t talk to anyone, get a dog. It’ll be loyal. What help would writing problems all over walls get you?

– Luay Gharzedine: graffiti on girls bathroom walls are a way for such girls to self validate through putting down other girls. it speaks nothing of the girl’s they hate on, but rather are a projection of their own insecurities that they attempt to validate by making themselves feel superior to someone else. girls fight a social game from an evolutionary perspective, rather than the physical ones guys have been forced into because of our stronger physique(guys hit each other while girls will spread rumors). theres type of personalities regarding how they treat others in view of themselves. a “6/10” will be needy and beg for attention. theyre just generally bitchy and annoying. a “7/10” will be combative, and lower others peoples status in order to establish their own. this is the group many girls fall into when they write things on bathroom walls. an “8/10” will be competitive, and will seek to beat other people at the value/status game by establishing that theyre the best. this is usually the result of a “7/10” being surrounded with many other “7/10″s and wanting to beat them all. its a natural progression. its better but not by much. a “9/10” or “10/10” will raise their value by raising everyone elses, establishing their role in the group as an alpha male/female. everyone else will look to them for validation in return, and generally nice people go into this category. 

A psychology major student (F): It’s interesting and mean. There are confessions, then there are some people circling them and commenting ‘Slut’. They need to talk to someone, they obviously have no one to talk to and they find that writing it on paper is not enough. So they go on telling the world what’s going on cause they are anonymous, no one will know, no one will judge them personally.

– Sahar: I believe that most of the things written are lies, they seek attention like ‘Hey look I did this and this’. Someone even wrote that she has slept with a professor. Check the bathrooms at FISK “3andon eshya 7elwe” (she laughs). Who the hell asks for lesbian advice on a wall? It’s pointless, yet hilarious. But really, WHY? Sandra: I think it’s really disgusting when I think about because they are writing while doing whatever they’re doing in the bathroom, transferring all these germs when lending their pen to someone or just using it, it’s disgusting.

– (F): It is unacceptable, but it’s entertaining at the same time, ma ba3ref, they need to clean that bathroom

– Mariam: Some are interesting, some are sort of disturbing, I think it’s nice to have people take out the opportunity  to express themselves free of judgement.

 (F): It reflects the student body, but these people are sharing things that they can’t say out loud which is good. They are afraid to say some things, and they need to hear advice without anyone knowing it’s them because they are afraid of judgement and mean treatment. They also want to find people who share the same issues to feel better about themselves. But it’s sad. I think that the best thing to do is seeing a psychiatrist or something like that.  

– (F): It’s funny and entertaining but who has the time? But who’s bothered, I don’t get who is actually bothered to sit and write there. Maybe they can’t find another way to express themselves cause it’s anonymous, no one will know it’s them.

– Katy: A girl said she is pregnant, and another girl in west wrote about sleeping with her professor. They make me sick. No positives out of it, it’s a waste of time. It depends some girls go for it for comfort to find more people like them but you don’t have to look at someone else’s opinion to feel good about yourself.  – Ayat: Helween w mahdumeen, they entertain you. They say what they can’t say outside, I think that we should actually show what’s written down there. It’s sad though, people are so desperate to talk that they write it there, they don’t have someone to talk to. 99.99% of the stuff is sexual. – Rosanna: It’s interesting and keeps me entertained. Girls have a lot of things to say, I think they need counseling, there are a lot of homosexuality related stuff and things that no one can say out loud, it’s kind of their diary, they write things down knowing that no one will know it’s them and get advice without it affecting their reputation which seems to be a big deal in Lebanon.  

Well, everyone agrees on one thing, those people need help. Our society ,and especially our generation, is mean. People are judged and tortured for what they believe in, for what they like, for who they are, for what interests do they have, for all different reasons that make a person who he/she is. But writing your problems on bathroom walls won’t get you any actual help, all what you’ll find is people who are trying hard to feel better about themselves by laughing at your problems or calling you a bitch, or leaving some sarcastic or mean comments.
I see some nice things, I am not going to lie, some people actually care enough to write you something that would help you in a way, but mostly you’ll find hate. You’ll feel worse about yourself, because you are letting people define you, you are giving them the power to judge you, to be mean, to think for you.
Don’t let anyone think for you.

You are special
You are pretty
You are beautiful
You are strong
You are amazing
You are worth it
You are not the number on the scale
You read this in the bathroom and you should know it’s true God damn it you are more than what you have in your purse, you are more than the grades, you are more than somebody’s boyfriend/girlfriend. You are human, and you are worthy of living, I mean look, you exist.
You are bigger than the problems you have at home, you are more than your sexual orientations, and your problems don’t deserve to be posted on bathroom walls and doors for people to laugh at Seeing a specialist is not wrong, talking to someone about it is not weakness, don’t be afraid and don’t harm yourself.

Next time you go to the bathroom wipe what you’ve written then go home have a hot bath and a cup of lavender tea and think. Think about a plan to get over all the difficulties and start over, there is always hope for everyone. Always.

what if


They say some words are better left unspoken.
But those are the same words that won’t let you sleep for days.
Those words will choke you when you dare close your eyes.
They will haunt you for a very long time you won’t even remember when you last felt free.
They’ll trap you.
Your body will become your prison, and you’ve lost the key.
It’ll never set you free, you can die trying.
‘What If’s’ will drag you to the edge, one more thought and they will push you.
Anxiety will attack you; regret will tie your hands.
Pain will finally take over you.
Your heart is still beating and your lungs are still working..
but you, you are dead.


So say your words, spare yourself the exhaustion, spare yourself the What if’s.
You might say I wish I haven’t,
but at least You’ll set yourself free. 



خيي فتحلي دينيك

خيي فتحلي دينيك و عينيك

خيي فهمني شو باك؟

ولا ليه سخيف؟

ليه تافه هيك؟

 browsing history ليه عندك بال

فضيحة انزلاق فستان اليسا

بشو بيقدم و بأخر صدرا لإليسا

لنو صدر كنافة بيشبع من الجوع ولا شي من هالنوع

و دخلك شو همك بحيوانات سلمى حايك

ما انت حمار حشا قدرك أكيد

طب و ليك ليك

ليه لطشتا لهيديك الصبية؟

استفزك لبسها؟ طب ما انت كلك بتستفزني ليه ما بسبك؟

انت ولي ليه تركتي المدرسة

ما تقليلي بدك تحققي طموحك و تعملي كوافيرة

طب ليك ليه ما بتحضر غير المنار

و انت؟ ايه انت لكان مين غيرك.. ليه ما بتحضر الا ال ام تي في

خيي بركي كذابين؟

انو والله

مش كرمال شي بس هات لخبرك خبرية

كانت امي تفيقني الساعة 8 و تقللي قومي الساعة 10 و نص

هيي الله يرضا عليها مش قصدا تكذب

بس بدا تحركنا شواي

طب بركي عم بيحركوك شواي

طب ليك حبيبي عيني علوشي, فروض عمر معو حق هالمرة

عمر عزيزي فروض انو علي آدمي, خيي ممكن شو بيعرفك

شو بدك الماما شو قالتلك, بركي امك كمان بتكذب

او فرضاً فرضاً غيرانة امك من امو لان بيك اقوى من بيو

طب و فروض انو جورج الشاب اللي بتحبو فاطمة اختك ابن حلال نضيف

فروض عنجد بيحبا و بدو ياها

فروض رح يعيشها ملكة و ما يحيجها لشي

ما عم قلك عباس مش هيك كمان

 طب ما هيي بتحب جورج بتحبش عباس

 مع انو فش منو لعبيس تنين والله

يي ليك, فروض طيب انو صاحب الشغل ما وظفك بس وظف رفيقك لان الحق عليك

cafe لانو لما انت كنت بال

 crepe عم تاكل

 مع رفقاتك كان هو عم بينضفلك الطاولة و عم يكسب خبرة عمل

بركي لان لما كنا انت عم تلعب فيفا بوقت فراغك مش رح افضحك و قلك درسك, هو كان عم يراجع

بركي لان انت ما كتير فارقة معك قصة الوقت لانو 5 دقايق تأخير مش رح تخرب الدني

بس هو وصل قبلك ب 5 دقايق و اخد الوظيفة

  بعد شغلة, دخلك فكرت انو لو انتخبت هيداك الشاب اللي ضد زعيمك اللي مطعميك و مدرسك و منيمك و مسفرك اسم الله اسم الله, يمكن يكون احسن من اللي وصلك سلة المونة قبل الانتخابات

طب ليك فتاح عينيك و دينيك

 خيي فكر شواي مش خسران شي


و ليك

والله قلبي عليك